Sericulture Value Chain

Serculture Value Chain

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The Sericulture Industry Value Chain Cycle (SIVCC) or Distinctive Segments (DSs) is as follows:

  • Stage 1: Mulberry Cultivation,
  • Stage 2: Construction of grainage (Silkworm egg production house),
  • Stage 3: Construction of Silk worm rearing houses, Stage 4: Silkworm rearing,
  • Stage 5: Construction of structures for reeling based on the specifications of the reeling and re-reeling machines,
  • Stage 6: Installation of Reeling and other post cocoon processing equipment and training the technicians on how to operate them,
  • Stage 7: Twisting and dying operations,
  • Stage 8: Silk products and silk trade of commercialization of the innovations,
  • Stage 9: Support Services for Silk value chain (SVC).