September 20, 2024There’s is too much foreign dependence on almost everything our economies need. From raw materials to finished products. The common man prefers goods from china or Europe to those locally made. So the waves in the global market, hiking of the dollar, will always kill us.
The solution is buying locally made products. Buy Uganda build Uganda (BUBU). Our consumption patterns have brought a lot of capital flight. Where the foreigners repatriate all their profits leaving our companies dead.
It all begins with you. Changing your mind set. In my field of business, Uganda products are highly appreciated by Rwandese, Congolese, Sudanese and Europeans, but not Ugandans. Ugandans will buy a 50k bag from china which is poor quality to one being sold at 10k but local quality.
Change begins with you; hence TROPICAL INSTITUTE OF DEVELOPMENT INNOVATIONS (TRIDI) is here to change everything.
BY NAMONO CAROL,nickcarol1991@gmail.com