Tropical News

May 4, 2022

A clear venture into the Seri-world

The favourable temperature range for the rearing house is 22-28 degrees Celcius, while for best productivity, the numbers should be within 23-28 degrees Celcius. Any slight alteration beyond or below these numbers are capable of greatly affecting the health of the silkworm, hence causing low productivity.
April 27, 2022


At a distance, they look like tiny strips of white thread. But up close, you see some forward movements as the silkworms measuring about 35cm nibble at green mulberry leaves. The silkworm looks nothing like silk. Where the fabric is light, lustrous and delicate, the caterpillar is fat and grayish. A few meters away from a writhing mass of these worms, you can hear them joyfully devouring leaves in what sounds like a light rainfall on an old tinned roof.
April 21, 2022

Uganda to officially commence silk fabric production on complete installation of 2 silk factories

With the installation of these machines, Uganda stands a great opportunity to great revenue and much better, more employment opportunities for her population, leading to improved standards of living through improved household incomes, with the great number employment opportunities created by the project.